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Launch Your SaaS Fast

Front-end Developer - Web

Full-time (long term)

Full Details of Job Post

FondĂ©e en 1999, Scaleway est la filiale cloud du groupe Iliad, l’un des leaders des tĂ©lĂ©communications en Europe. Notre mission est de favoriser une industrie numĂ©rique plus responsable en aidant les dĂ©veloppeurs et les entreprises Ă  crĂ©er, dĂ©ployer et adapter des applications Ă  n'importe quelle infrastructure.

Depuis nos bureaux situés à Paris et à Lille, nous perfectionnons quotidiennement l'écosystÚme cloud de Scaleway, dont nous sommes les premiers utilisateurs.

Nos quelques 25 000 clients nous choisissent pour notre redondance multi-AZ, notre expérience-utilisateur fluide, nos datacenters neutres en carbone ainsi que nos outils natifs de gestion d'architectures multi-cloud. Nos produits incluent des solutions entiÚrement gérées pour le bare metal, la conteneurisation et les architectures serverless, offrant ainsi un choix responsable dans le domaine du cloud computing.

Rejoignez notre équipe dynamique de prÚs de 600 collaborateurs venant de divers horizons, dans un environnement stimulant et international alliant excellence technique, créativité et partage.

The Front Website team is responsible for all of Scaleway’s public websites (excluding Scaleway’s console). Currently, we have six websites under our scope.
- scaleway.com - Main showcase website
- scaleway.com/en/docs - Technical documentation
- developers.scaleway.com - Developers documentation
- career.scaleway.com - Careers & job advertisement
- blog.scaleway.com - Blog articles by Scaleway

These websites are the storefront of our company. We want our visitors to find the right information easily and have an accurate glimpse of what Scaleway has to offer. 

Our goal is to strengthen Scaleway’s brand with neat designs, enforce good web practices, deliver state-of-the-art navigation, and rely on data to ship meaningful features. The squad is composed of three Front-end developers, a Designer and a Product Manager and an Engineering Manager.

Reporting to your Engineering Manager, you will be in charge of the development of new evolution on listed websites. You will be responsible for HTML/CSS integration, data fetching, and implementation of user interaction.

We work in a Scrum framework where the fundamentals are: two-weeks sprint, daily stand-ups, retrospectives, etc. At the end of each sprint, we present our work during demos. Communication, peer programming, and reviews are important to us.

Preferred qualifications

    • Experience as a frontend developer with a framework like Vue / React / Angular / Svelte
    • Experience with working with a team (splitting work, sharing responsibilities, collective ownerships, reviews)
    • Very good command of English and French
    • You tend to solve your problems with code, rather than dependencies
    • You love JavaScript ES2018 (ES2015, at least)
    • You already used CSS-in-JS
    • You have experience with REST APIs
    • You have written TESTS after TESTS: units and functional
    • You have minimum 3 years of experience already

It would be fantastic if

    • You don’t fall for the hype
    • You are an HTML & CSS aficionado
    • You know how to practice UI navigation with and without pointers
    • You don't mind peer reviews, you even love them!
    • You have experience with DevOps tools (Docker, Ansible, Gitlab CI, Github Actions)
    • You have good web knowledge (SEO, a11y, HTML/CSS)
    • You have experience with A11Y rules of web


    • Create awesome interfaces for our end users 
    • Use our new SDK fully typed & open sourced to create products
    • You will work closely with Design and Product to help them to release the best websites
    • You will ensure code practices and share knowledge with team members and other frontend teams

Technical Stack

    • Javascript ES6, HTML5, CSS3
    • React 17 or 18, CSS-in-JS
    • Jest & React Testing Library
    • REST & GraphQL (Apollo, Gatsby GraphQL)
    • Gatsby, Nextjs, Strapi
Based in our offices in Paris or Lille (France)

Si vous ne vous voyez pas cocher toutes les cases, n'hĂ©sitez pas Ă  postuler tout de mĂȘme. Ne vous limitez pas Ă  une description de poste - on ne sait jamais !

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